Hello all. I couldn't find my issue specifically addressed in the faq, and I haven't found what I'm looking for in the wikis, either.
I am trying to create a server for my players. Thus far, no luck.
I have the latest bundled package of OpenRPG up on the site here:
http://www.rpgobjects.com/index.php?c=orpg&m=getorpgI've successfully gotten OpenRPG to open and update, and with some wrangling, managed to get the "server" command line window to stop updating and then shutting down on me. I even got through the part where you make a password and choose whether to register. After that, things fall apart.
I can't get OpenRPG to connect to my game server despite using my IP and port 6774 in the address bar. I've tried it on both my wireless and wired PCs. My wireless, a laptop, is Windows 7. My desktop is Windows Vista. I use a Belkin router. I've attempted setting up a virtual server through the router using 6774 as the inbound and private port.