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 Traipse Issues and a Roller Question 
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Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:53 pm
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Post Traipse Issues and a Roller Question
Nearly used the title "3 Traipse issues and a roller question walk into a bar..."

Anyway, first I wanted to thank Prof.ebral for Traipse. I used OpenRPG about 8ish years ago and it's amazing to see how much it has improved. The YouTube videos were extremely helpful. The namespace referencing stuff is ridiculously useful.

Using Traipse Ornery Orc, Windows 7, pretty sure python and wxpython are the versions from the Traipse website (not at home right now, but I can confirm later if necessary). It took a bunch of tries for the python download to work for some reason.

I've been working on a 100% homebrew content RPG to play with my friends. The overall theme is modern combat, think somewhat like the Jagged Alliance series, if you're familiar.

Issue #1: The default window sizes on most of the windows are strange. For example, when I start OpenRPG Traipse, the updater window is sized in such a way that you can't see the "finish" button. I think the list boxes or one of the other nodes with buttons on the bottom is the same way. Most of the splitter containers default into strange/illogical sizes to the point that they're not really usable. Is there any way to address this?

Issue #2: Sometimes when I go to edit the content of a grid by clicking or double-clicking on a cell, OpenRPG locks, overlays some kind of transparent white screen, then crashes. Any thoughts? I noticed that if I can just type on top of a cell, then backspace over the old contents and type new contents, it never crashes.

Issue #3: Sometimes when I go to drag an object into a container and say yes/no to add as a child, nothing happens. Then 3 or 4 tries later, it finally decides to work. I think the problem gets worse the longer I have OpenRPG running. Any thoughts? This could be pretty messy when playing live.

Die roller questions:
I've seen hints of the "vs" roller element where it says "critical failure" and such, and I'm wondering if you can set multiple conditions or change the text that is displayed. For example, could you have it say something if the result was above a certain number OR below another certain number? Could you have it say something different for each? Can you have the "vs" look at the "natural" roll as opposed or in addition to the modified roll? Is there any documentation on how to use the vs element? It seems really useful.

Note to self about a new idea to try: Can you use the die roller to make a random lookup on a grid? For example, could you do !=CriticalCheck::[1d100],2=! to have it return text based on the 1d100 result?

Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:28 pm

Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:53 pm
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Post Re: Traipse Issues and a Roller Question
Also, I dream of a world where the measuring tape result can be copied to a dynamic "measuring tape result" node in the game tree that other nodes could reference. It's rough trying to design a game with range penalties.

Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:33 pm
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Post Re: Traipse Issues and a Roller Question
Let's take care of the easy problem first. Your note to self is already done. It's the Deck of Cards node.

#1. Windows 7's window manager is a treacherous step backwards. It cares none at all about the software being run and only cares for itself. I hate it and it is the cause of your Update Manager problem. (Or you have either a really short monitor or really low resolution). Short answer, not likely. Pious Paladin has features that can address these problems, namely the use of a Stylesheets

#2. When this happens again look for a file called crash-report.txt and send me the contents.

#3. This may be a problem with old nodes or nodes coming from 1.8.0. Your details are to few to pinpoint a problem with this one. IM me on Skype: profebral and I can help you more with this and all the other issues.

Die roller question: I am no longer developing for Ornery Orc. All focus has been turned to Pious Paladin. I can answer your questions here but they will be specific to Pious Paladin. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. The documentation for Pious Paladin is still early but I am planning on documenting as much as I can, if not all about the source code.

You should definitely reach me on Skype: profebral. I can help you with all of these issues much easier on Skype.

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Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:31 pm
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Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:53 pm
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Post Re: Traipse Issues and a Roller Question
#1: Ah, ok, thanks. I don't think most of my players have Windows 7, so it least it won't bother them.
#2: Here's the log for the grid editing crash:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OpenRPG Traipse\Traipse\System\orpg\gametree\nodehandlers\", line 195, in SetSize
self._tc.SetDimensions(rect.x+1, rect.y+1, rect.width+2, rect.height+2)
AttributeError: 'MyCellEditor' object has no attribute '_tc'

#3 I've only ever used Traipse 110114-00, if that helps. I'll definitely look you up on Skype, thanks.

Re note to self: Sweet, I'll examine that for ideas.

I'm also curious about mass creation of nodes, but I'll ask you about that later. Thanks again!

Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:12 pm
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