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 Ark's Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed.) 
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Joined: Sun May 01, 2011 7:48 pm
Posts: 44
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
Ok have redone the character Hope this is better thanks

Ok Have fixed items pointed out, sorry I forgot about the Pathfinder giveing +3 to class skills

Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers Character Sheet:

Character Name: Synjin
Race: Half-Orc , Alignment: NN , Patron Deity: MHAVARA
Class Levels: Ranger 6
Character Level: 6 , XP: 15,000 , Next Level: 23,000 total
Age: 21 yrs., Height: 6 ft. 4 in., Weight: 262 lbs., Male/Female: M
Eyes: Brown , Hair: Red , Skin: grey/green
Languages: Vanderglotten, Common, Draconic, Orc

Strength 15 (+2), Dexterity 18 (+4), Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 13 (+1), Wisdom 12 (+1), Charisma 9 (-1)

HP / Maximum: 47 / 47 , Nonlethal: 0 , DR: 0/X , SR: 0
AC: 23 (+4 Dex, +0 dodge, +0 size, +7 armor, +1 shield, +1 natural, etc.)
Touch AC: 14 , Flat-Footed AC: 19
Fortitude +8 , Reflex +9 , Will +3 , Initiative +4, Hero Points: 1

Base Attack Bonus: +6
Melee: +8 (+6 BAB, +2 Str, +0 size)
Ranged: +10 (+6 BAB, +4 Dex, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +8 (+6 BAB, +2 Str, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 22 (+6 BAB, +2 Str, +4 Dex, +0 size)

Favored Class: Ranger (+0 HP, +6 skill ranks)
Size: Medium , Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft., Speed: 30 ft.
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Orc)
Racial Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Dex , +0 X , -0 X , -0 X
Other Racial Qualities: Dark Vision, Intimidating, Orc ferocity, Weapon Familiarity
Advanced Traits:
Devotee of the Green: Knowledge: Nature,

Animal Affinity,
Deadly Aim -2/+4,
Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot,

Acrobatics +3 (1 ranks, +4 ability(Dex), +0 class, +0 other, -2 armor)
Appraise +2 (1 ranks, +1 ability (Int)+0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Bluff -1 (0 ranks, -1 ability(Cha), +0 class, +X other, -0 armor)
Craft Bows +12 (6 ranks, +1 ability(Int), +3 class, +2 other, -0 armor)
Diplomacy -1 (0 ranks, -1 ability(Cha), +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Escape Artist +2 (0 ranks, +4 ability(Dex), +0 class, +X other, -2 armor)
Fly 2 (0 ranks, +4 ability(Int), +0 class, +0 other, -2 armor)
Handle Animal 12 (6 ranks, -1 ability(Cha), +3 class, +2/+5 other, -0 armor)
Heal +9 (3 ranks, +1 ability(Wis), +3 class, +2 other, -0 armor)
Intimidate +6 (2 ranks, -1 ability(Cha), +3 class, +2 other, -0 armor)
Knowledge: Geography +9 (4 ranks, +1 ability(Int), +3 class, +1 other, -0 armor)
Knowledge: Nature +9 (4 ranks, +1 ability(Int), +3 class, +1 other, -0 armor)
Perception +10 (6 ranks, +1 ability(Int), +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Profession: Cook +7 (3 ranks, +1 ability(Wis), +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Ride +9 (2 ranks, +4 ability(Dex), +3 class, +2 other, -2 armor)
Stealth +8 (3 ranks, +4 ability(Dex), +3 class, +0 other, -2 armor)
Survival +10/+15 (4 ranks, +1 ability(Wis), +3 class, +2/+5 other, -0 armor)
Swim +6 (3 ranks, +2 ability(Str), +3 class, +0 other, -2 armor)

Platinum Pieces: 0, Gold Pieces: 137 , Silver Pieces: 7 , Copper Pieces: 0
Load: 0 lbs., Light: 0 lbs., Medium: 0 lbs., Heavy: 0 lbs.
Maximum Load: 0 lbs., Push/Pull: 0 lbs.

Masterwork Cold Iron Battleaxe 320 GP, 6 LBS, Back holder
Flint and steel 1 GP, 0 LBS Belt Pouch
Mirror, small steel, 10 GP, 0.5 LBS Belt Pouch
Whetstone, 2 CP, 1 LBS Belt Pouch
Whistle, Signal, 8 SP, 0 LBS Belt Pouch
Masterwork Kukri, 308 GP, 2 LBS, Belt Sheath
LongSword, 15 gp, 4 LBS, Belt Sheath
Longbow Composite (str +2) +1, 2600 gp, 3 LBS, efficient Quiver
Arrows 60, 3 gp, 3 LBS, efficient Quiver
Clothing, Explorer's Outfit, FREE, 8 LBS, Equipped
Pouch, belt (empty), 1 gp, 0.5 LBS, Equipped
Mithral Chainmail +1, 5150 gp, 20 LBS, Equipped
Masterwork Buckler, 165 gp, 5 LBS, Equipped
Efficient Quiver, 1,800 gp, 2 LBS, equipped
Handy Haversack, 2,000 gp, 5 LBS, equipped
Amulet of Natural Armor +1, 2000 gp, 0 LBS, equipped
Artisan's Tools, masterwork (Bow Making), 55 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Bedroll, 1 sp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Blanket, Winter, 5 sp, 3 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Clothing, Cold-Weather Outfit, 8 gp, 7 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Clothing, Traveler's Outfit, 1 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Clothing, Traveler's Outfit, 1 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Fishing net, 25 sq. ft., 4 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Mug/Tankard, clay, 2 cp, 1 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Mug/Tankard, clay, 2 cp, 1 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Rope, silk (50 ft.), 10 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Rope, silk (50 ft.), 10 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Sack (empty), 1 sp, 0.5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Sack (empty), 1 sp, 0.5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Waterskin 1 gp, 4 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Waterskin 1 gp, 4 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Potion of Cure Light wounds x 4, 200 gp, 0 LBS, Handy Haversack Side Pouch 1
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x3, 900gp, 0 LBS Handy Haversack Side Pouch 1
Fishhook x10, 1gp, 0 LBS Handy Haversack Side Pouch 1
Food- Rations, Trail (per day) x 20, 10 gp, 20 LBS Handy Haversack Side Pouch 2
Animal, Horse, Heavy , 200 gp, Horse
Animal Gear, Bit and bridle, 2 gp, 1 LBS Horse
Backpack, masterwork, 50 gp, 4 LBS, Horse
Food- Animal Feed (per day)x 20 1 gp, 200 LBS Horse
Saddle, military, 20 gp, 30 LBS, Horse
Saddlebags, 4 gp, 2 LBS, Horse
Hammock, 1 sp, 3 LBS, saddle bag
Iron pot, 8 sp, 2 LBS, saddle bag
Saw, 4 cp, 2 LBS saddle bag
Shovel, 2 gp, 3 LBS, saddle bag
Tent (small), 10 gp, 20 LBS, saddle bag
Silvered Dagger, 24 gp, 1 LBS, Boot Sheath
Dagger, 2 gp, 1 LBS, Belt Sheath

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
Deadly Aim
Point Blank shot
Precise Shot
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Martial Weapon Proficiency –All
Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency-All

Other Class Features:
Animal Companion Link,
Enemies: Humanoids (Goblinoid) (+4 bonus),
Enemies: Magical Beasts (+2 bonus),
Orc Ferocity (1/day),
Share Spells with Companion,
Terrains: Forest (+2 bonus),
Track +3,
Wild Empathy +5

Spellcasting Class: Ranger , Caster Level: 3 , Concentration: +4
Spell Save DC: 11 + level wis +1
Spell Slots: 0 0-level, 2 1st-level, 0 2nd-level, 0 3rd-level, 0 4th-level,
Prepared Spells:
Calm Animal
Charm Animal

A glance beneath the dark cowl of his cloak reveals a face hideously scared by fire. The left side of his face is scarred to the point no hair will grow. His deep brown eyes peer out of the scar tissue. The right half of his head is covered with a thick red brown hair grown out to shoulder length and tied off in a pony tail. Synjin is dressed for the woods; his heavy Woolen cloak hides most of masterly crafted set of Mithral Chainmail. His left hand is incased in an archers glove his right is bare. About his right wrist is a Manacle.

Synjin is a 6’4” tall 262 lbs


Born in the dark of winter, his mother the daughter of a merchant was raped in an orcish raid on their small village. His earliest memories are of Pain and abuse. His grandfather sold him off as soon as he was weaned from the tit to a slaver in a larger town. Synjin was purchased and as soon as he was able was put to work in the kitchens of a Laird. He worked hard or was beaten, sometimes was beaten anyway. He lived this life until one day in an accident he was badly burned across his face and arms. He spent 2 weeks on the verge of death, it was here at the age of 12 he met the first person he would ever consider friend, a hunter in the Lairds employ. The Hunter named Zed had recently watched his own son die and in a fit of remorse took the wounded half orc under his wing. Synjin was soon learning the ways of the woods and training as a ranger. His natural dexterity made him a good ranger and hunter. Synjin has worked hard to overcome his upbringing, but he still carries everything he owns with him. Synjin has left the employ of the Laird and now travels the world seeking a place he will fit in.
Synjin is a at home in the woods, he avoids civilization when he can. When required by either need or employment he keeps his head covered by his cloak or the cowl of his Armor. He is a hard worker and works well as a team member.

Animal Companion
Male Hawk
NN Small Animal
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +8
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +3 natural, +1 dodge)
hp 19 (+3)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
Spd 10 ft., Flight (80 feet, Average)
Melee Bite (Hawk) +3 (1d4/20/x2) and
Talon x2 (Hawk) +3 x2 (1d4/20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +3 (1d2/20/x2)
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack
Tricks Attack [Trick], Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Fetch [Trick], Guard [Trick], Seek [Trick], Stay [Trick]
Skills Fly +5, Perception +8, Stealth +7
SQ Attack [Trick], Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Evasion (Ex), Fetch [Trick], Guard [Trick], Seek [Trick], Stay [Trick]

Male Horse, Heavy
NN Large Animal
Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +8
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, -1 size, +2 natural)
hp 19 (2d8+10)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
Spd 50 ft.
Melee Bite (Horse, Heavy) +5 (1d4+5/20/x2) and
Hooves x2 (Horse, Heavy) +0 x2 (1d6+2/20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d4+5/20/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +7; CMD 21 (25 vs. Trip)
Feats Endurance, Run
Tricks Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Heel [Trick], Riding [Trick], Stay [Trick], Work [Trick]
Skills Fly +2, Perception +8, Stealth +0
SQ Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Riding [Trick], Work [Trick]
Other Gear listed under Main character
Defend [Trick] The animal will defend you.
Down [Trick] The animal will break off combat on command.
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider.
Run You run faster than normal.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Work [Trick] The animal pulls or pushes a medium or heavy load.

MW Cold Iron Battle Axe +8/+3 melee for 1d8+2 damage (20/x3 critical, reach 5 ft.)
Dagger +8/+3 melee for 1d4+2 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Kukri +8/+3 melee for 1d4+2 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Long sword +8/+3 melee for 1d8+2 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 5 ft.)
Unarmed strike +8/+3 melee for 1d3+2 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
+1 Longbow, Composite (STR +2) +11/+6 ranged for 1d8+3 damage (20/x3 critical, increment 110 ft.)
Dagger +10/+5 ranged for 1d4+2 damage (19-20/x2 critical, increment 10 ft.)

Last edited by Rosencrantz on Sun May 15, 2011 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 10, 2011 12:27 am

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
Sorry I didn't read and post anything in the last several days, I've been busy and rather distracted, as well as tired and under the weather. Still not feeling well tonight. Anyway, I'm finally posting the info I had meant to put up over the weekend, and while the info won't be as complete as I had intended, I will get the rest of it finished before next week.

Also noticed a typo where I inadvertently indicated that Barattegia was east of Vanderheim, when it's actually further west as the rest of its description indicates. Updating the Lands of Rhivia section now. I'll review the recent PC submissions after that, over the next hour or so before I'm tired enough to need sleep.

We'll be trying for a game today (Wednesday, May 11th; I have insomnia so I stay up late) around 5 pm Pacific. We might not actually begin play until 6 or 7 pm Pacific depending on when folks show up. We'll run the first session on Blackstar Games Server. Although OpenRPG Dev II has returned to the visible server-list, there might be a few stragglers from the earlier recruiting sessions who might be on Blackstar again who just didn't show up last week. GegenDrache was around but AFK so he didn't respond to my queries about his character last week.

EDIT: !%^(*!^%(^!&%^!)%^)!^%)!_!!!!!!!!
When trying to switch tabs between the PRD and my response to Darkwolf, my stupid cursor clicked on the X to close that tab instead of selecting it. !%!56(!^%!^(%! Just wasted my last hour or so of checking over the sheet and typing up responses to the bits and pieces that were off or missing or whatnot.

I'll get around to redoing that crap sometime later today, after sleep, damnit. Stupid freaking Firefox! Stupid freaking insta-close tabs!

Active DM and player on OpenRPG since 2002
D&D, d20, PF, SR, and other systems if I can find a group for 'em

Wed May 11, 2011 7:40 am

Joined: Sun May 01, 2011 9:08 am
Posts: 38
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
Arkhandus wrote:
EDIT: !%^(*!^%(^!&%^!)%^)!^%)!_!!!!!!!!
When trying to switch tabs between the PRD and my response to Darkwolf, my stupid cursor clicked on the X to close that tab instead of selecting it. !%!56(!^%!^(%! Just wasted my last hour or so of checking over the sheet and typing up responses to the bits and pieces that were off or missing or whatnot.

I'll get around to redoing that crap sometime later today, after sleep, damnit. Stupid freaking Firefox! Stupid freaking insta-close tabs!

Did you try going to "History>Recently Closed Tabs" and opening it from there? [I just closed this tab before writing this sentence and when I opened it back up, the rest was still here.] Hopefully this can save you some frustration in the future. I know it saves me a headache about once a day.

Wed May 11, 2011 7:42 pm

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
Yes, I used that, and all it did was reload the post quoting Darkwolf, without the text of my response in there. No good.

Wed May 11, 2011 9:43 pm

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
Darkwolf wrote:
For your consideration and approval, my character background and character sheet:
Age: 32 yrs., Height: 5 ft. 7 in., Weight: 135 lbs., Male/Female: F
Eyes: Blue , Hair: Red-Gold, Skin: Fair/Outdoorsman's tan
Languages: Common, Druidic, Vanderheimic, Sylvan

Fortitude +7 (+5 base, +2 ability), Reflex +4 (+2 base, +2 ability), Will +11 (+5 base, +6 ability), Initiative +8, Hero Points: 1

Craft (Leather) +10 (6 ranks, +1 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Craft (Traps) +5 (1 ranks, +1 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Heal +10 (1 ranks, +6 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Linguistics +2 (1 ranks, +1 ability, +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)

For reference, if Isoldra is supposed to be tall for a Vanderheimer woman, she ought to be around 6 feet or so. Vanderheimer men are generally 6 feet or taller, and the women of Vanderheim are only a few inches shorter on average. They're some of the tallest humans around.

The language of Vanderheim is Vanderglotten. Also, you should have one more language known due to your 1 rank in Linguistics. You already get Common, Druidic, and Vanderglotten for free, and Sylvan is your bonus language from Int. Given your background, the most likely language from Linguistics would be either Baratti, Rhivian, or Zanji, depending on where Isoldra traveled.

Your Initiative modifier should be +4 (+2 Dex, +2 Reactionary).

Your Craft skills should include +2 from your masterwork tools. And your Heal skill should have +0/+2 listed in its "other" section, for a total of +10/+12, due to the Healer's Kit with its limited number of uses.
Darkwolf wrote:
PP: 30, GP: 79, SP: 9, CP: 0 (stored in coin bag, Handy Haversack pouch A)
Load: 19 lbs., Light: 26 lbs., Medium: 27-53 lbs., Heavy: 54-80 lbs.
Maximum Load: 80 lbs., Push/Pull: 400 lbs.
Haversack load: Pouch A: 7.5 lbs. Pouch B: 6 lbs. Large Pouch: 27 lbs.

Bedroll (.1 GP 5 lbs., Handy Haversack large)
Canteen (1 GP 4 lbs., Handy Haversack pouch A)
Flint and steel (1 GP 0 lbs., Handy Haversack pouch A)
Mirror, small steel (10 GP .5 lbs., Handy Haversack pouch A)
Spade (2 GP 8 lbs., Handy Haversack large)
Leather-worker's tools, masterwork (55 GP 5 lbs., Handy Haversack large)
Trap-maker's tools, masterwork (55 GP 5 lbs., Handy Haversack large)
Healer's kit (50 GP 1 lbs., Handy Haversack pouch B)
Spell component pouch (5 GP 2 lbs., waist)
Arcanist's manual, masterwork (50 GP 1 lbs., Handy Haversack large)
Geographer's manual, masterwork (50 GP 1 lbs., Handy Haversack large)
Naturalist's manual, masterwork (50 GP 1 lbs., Handy Haversack large)
Theologist's manual, masterwork (50 GP 1 lbs., Handy Haversack large)
Explorer's Outfit (0 GP 8 lbs., equipped)
Bullets, sling (10) (.1 GP 5 lbs., Handy Haversack pouch B)
Masterwork Scimitar (315 GP 4 lbs., scabbard, waist)
Masterwork Sling (GP 300 0 lbs., waist)
Handy Haversack (2000 GP 5 lbs., equipped)
Ring of Sustenance (2500 GP 0 lbs., equipped)
Vulmor's Mantle (7625 GP x lbs., equipped)
Druid's Vestment (1375 GP 0 lbs., equipped)
Potion of Cure Light wounds x 10 (500 GP 0 lbs., Handy Haversack pouch A)
Potion of Cure Moderate wounds x2 (600 GP 0 lb., Handy Haversack pouch A)

Other Class Features: Nature Bond, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape
(3/day (2 base, +1 from Druid's Vestment)), Spontaneous Casting (Summon Nature's Alley), Animal Companion

Misspelled Summon Nature's Ally. Please note your total Wild Empathy bonus and the basic parameters of your Wild Shape (duration, what spells it duplicates, what forms it allows, what sizes those different forms may be, etc.).

I'll check over remaining coinage and carried loads later.

You should have 2 Canteens if any, since each canteen or waterskin only holds half a gallon, which is half a day's worth of water for a Medium-sized creature. Also you'll need 2 or more "chunks of meat" as listed in the Equipment chapter, to feed your tiger, since a Medium creature needs at least 1 pound of nutritious food per day to avoid starvation (and chunks of meat are priced in half-pound chunks).

You need holly or mistletoe as a divine focus for your druid spells.

You might want to replace the potions of CLW with a single Wand of Cure Light Wounds, since it doesn't cost much more and can be used a lot more often.

I can't find those Manuals you listed in any of my books nor in the PRD, so they aren't from anything that I've approved so far, and should be removed from the sheet. I have no idea what they're even supposed to do.

The Druid's Vestment and Vulmor's Mantle should have their creation costs listed instead of their market values, and should be marked in their descriptions as items that you crafted. You need to add the stats/abilities of Vulmor's Mantle to its description (right now I can only assume what it does based on our earlier discussion, like the +2 Wisdom enhancement, but I need it detailed on the character sheet).

You might want some Hide Armor (or Leather Armor, which you could sleep in without penalty) and a Heavy Wooden Shield just to boost your AC, accepting the speed reduction and armor check penalty, at least whenever you're not Wild Shaped (you're awfully vulnerable whenever you're not Wild Shaped into something tough). But that's just a suggestion.
Darkwolf wrote:
Animal Companion:
Character Name: Largo
Race: Vanderheim Tiger , Alignment: CN , Patron Deity:
Class Levels: Tiger 6
Character Level: 6 , XP: 15,000 , Next Level: 23,000 total
Age: 6 yrs., Height: 3 ft. 6 in., Length: 9 ft., Weight: 480 lbs., Male/Female: M
Eyes: Steely Grey , Hair: Orange, with black stripes, white underparts  Skin: White, black stripes
Languages: Sylvan

HP / Maximum: 40 / 40 , Nonlethal: 0 , DR: 0/X , SR: 0
Fortitude +5 , Reflex +5 , Will +2 , Initiative +4

Feats: Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Claws)

Other Class Features: Link, Share Spell, Evasion, Devotion
Special attacks: rake (2 claws +7, 1d4+2)

Bite +6 melee for 1d6+2 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 5 ft.)
Claw (x2) +7 melee for 1d4+2 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 5 ft.)

Your tiger doesn't need a Patron Deity line or XP lines or class level lines. He should be Neutral as all animals are. He should be roughly 5 feet long or so, given his Medium size and space; he'll grow bigger at 7th-level.

The tiger shouldn't know any languages unless you give him 1 rank in Linguistics, as he doesn't have any racial languages, just tiger-noises. Though he has the capacity to understand languages at Int 3 or higher, his race (and the animal companion traits) doesn't give him any known languages. However, since his Int was raised to 3, he can spend skill points in Linguistics, unlike normal animals.

I'll say that animal companions and other permanent NPC critters/allies (cohorts, followers, special mounts, etc.) use the same HP determination as PCs, so the tiger's 40 HP is accurate. Summoned critters and other temporary or random allies will use normal randomized or average HP.

Please list the penalty/bonus for Power Attack next to that feat, given the tiger's BAB and use of natural weapons. The tiger's total save bonuses should be Fort +6, Ref +9, and Will +4, given his ability score bonuses.

The tiger's "Other Class Features" section should include the list of tricks he's learned (even though he's got a 3 Int now).

The tiger's claws are secondary natural attacks when using a full-attack action, so those suffer a -5 penalty to-hit and apply only half the Strength bonus to damage. Rakes are always treated as secondary attacks, so they have the same penalties.
Darkwolf wrote:
Spellcasting Class: Druid , Caster Level: 6 , Concentration: +11
Spell Save DC: 10 + level (Wisdom) (+1 for conjuration spells)

Your Concentration should be +12 due to level and Wisdom. Save DC should be 16 + spell level due to Wisdom.

Wed May 11, 2011 10:43 pm

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
Rosencrantz wrote:
Ok have redone the character Hope this is better thanks
Strength 15 (+2), Dexterity 18 (+4), Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 13 (+1), Wisdom 12 (+1), Charisma 9 (-1)

Acrobatics +3 (1 ranks, +4 ability(Dex), +0 class, +0 other, -2 armor)
Appraise +2 (1 ranks, +1 ability (Int)+0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Bluff -1 (0 ranks, -1 ability(Cha), +0 class, +X other, -0 armor)
Craft Bows +9 (6 ranks, +1 ability(Int), +0 class, +2 other, -0 armor)
Diplomacy -1 (0 ranks, -1 ability(Cha), +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Escape Artist +2 (0 ranks, +4 ability(Dex), +0 class, +X other, -2 armor)
Fly 2 (0 ranks, +4 ability(Int), +0 class, +0 other, -2 armor)
Handle Animal 12 (6 ranks, -1 ability(Cha), +2 class, +5 other, -0 armor)
Heal +6 (3 ranks, +1 ability(Wis), +0 class, +2 other, -0 armor)
Intimidate +1 (2 ranks, -1 ability(Cha), +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Knowledge: Geography +5 (4 ranks, +1 ability(Int), +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Knowledge: Nature +6 (4 ranks, +1 ability(Int), +0 class, +1 other, -0 armor)
Perception +7 (6 ranks, +1 ability(Int), +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Profession: Cook +4 (3 ranks, +1 ability(Wis), +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Ride +6 (2 ranks, +4 ability(Dex), +0 class, +2 other, -2 armor)
Stealth +5 (3 ranks, +4 ability(Dex), +0 class, +0 other, -2 armor)
Survival +7 (4 ranks, +1 ability(Wis), +0 class, +2 other, -0 armor)
Swim +3 (3 ranks, +2 ability(Str), +0 class, +0 other, -2 armor)

Craft is a class skill for rangers, so you should have a +3 class bonus on it. Likewise for Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Profession, Ride, Stealth, Survival, and Swim.

Handle Animal's "other" bonus should be +2/+6 due to Animal Affinity and your Link with your Animal Companion.

Intimidate should have "+2 other" from your half-orc racial traits.

Knowledge (Geography) and Knowledge (Nature) should both have "+1 other" due to your Devotee of the Green trait.

Perception is Wisdom-based, not Intelligence-based. Fly is Dexterity-based, not Intelligence-based.

Survival should have "+2/+5 other" due to Self-Sufficient and Track.
Rosencrantz wrote:
Platinum Pieces: 0, Gold Pieces: 127 , Silver Pieces: 6 , Copper Pieces: 8
Load: 0 lbs., Light: 0 lbs., Medium: 0 lbs., Heavy: 0 lbs.
Maximum Load: 0 lbs., Push/Pull: 0 lbs.

Masterwork Battleaxe 310 GP, 6 LBS, Back holder
Flint and steel 1 GP, 0 LBS Belt Pouch
Mirror, small steel, 10 GP, 0.5 LBS Belt Pouch
Whetstone, 2 CP, 1 LBS Belt Pouch
Whistle, Signal, 8 SP, 0 LBS Belt Pouch
Masterwork Kukri, 308 GP, 2 LBS, Belt Sheath
LongSword, 15 gp, 4 LBS, Belt Sheath
Longbow Composite (str +2) +1, 2600 gp, 3 LBS, efficient Quiver
Arrows 60, 3 gp, 3 LBS, efficient Quiver
Clothing, Explorer's Outfit, FREE, 8 LBS, Equipped
Pouch, belt (empty), 1 gp, 0.5 LBS, Equipped
Wrist Sheath,1 gp, 1 LBS, Equipped
Mithral Chainmail +1, 5150 gp, 20 LBS, Equipped
Masterwork Buckler, 165 gp, 5 LBS, Equipped
Efficient Quiver, 1,800 gp, 2 LBS, equipped
Handy Haversack, 2,000 gp, 5 LBS, equipped
Amulet of Natural Armor +1, 2000 gp, 0 LBS, equipped
Artisan's Tools, masterwork (Bow Making), 55 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Bag, waterproof, 5 sp, 0.5 LBS , Handy Haversack Main
Bedroll, 1 sp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Blanket, Winter, 5 sp, 3 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Clothing, Cold-Weather Outfit, 8 gp, 7 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Clothing, Traveler's Outfit, 1 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Clothing, Traveler's Outfit, 1 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Fishing net, 25 sq. ft., 4 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Mug/Tankard, clay, 2 cp, 1 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Mug/Tankard, clay, 2 cp, 1 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Rope, silk (50 ft.), 10 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Rope, silk (50 ft.), 10 gp, 5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Sack (empty), 1 sp, 0.5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Sack (empty), 1 sp, 0.5 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Waterskin 1 gp, 4 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Waterskin 1 gp, 4 LBS, Handy Haversack Main
Potion of Cure Light wounds x 10, 500 gp, 0 LBS, Handy Haversack Side Pouch 1
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2, 600gp, 0 LBS Handy Haversack Side Pouch 1
Fishhook x10, 1gp, 0 LBS Handy Haversack Side Pouch 1
Food- Rations, Trail (per day) x 20, 10 gp, 20 LBS Handy Haversack Side Pouch 2
Animal, Horse, Heavy , 200 gp, Horse
Animal Gear, Bit and bridle, 2 gp, 1 LBS Horse
Backpack, masterwork, 50 gp, 4 LBS, Horse
Food- Animal Feed (per day)x 20 1 gp, 200 LBS Horse
Saddle, military, 20 gp, 30 LBS, Horse
Saddlebags, 4 gp, 2 LBS, Horse
Hammock, 1 sp, 3 LBS, saddle bag
Kit, Cooking, 1 gp, 2 LBS, saddle bag
Saw, 4 cp, 2 LBS saddle bag
Shovel, 2 cp, 3 LBS, saddle bag
Tent (small), 10 gp, 15 LBS, saddle bag
Dagger, 2 gp, 1 LBS, Wrist Sheath
Dagger, 2 gp, 1 LBS, Belt Sheath

Spellcasting Class: Ranger , Caster Level: 3 , Concentration: +4
Spell Save DC: 11 + level wis +1
Spell Slots: 0 0-level, 2 1st-level, 0 2nd-level, 0 3rd-level, 0 4th-level,
Prepared Spells:
Calm Animal
Charm Animal
Spells Known:
1st-Level Ranger Spells
Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Animal Messenger: Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place.
Calm Animals: Calms 2d4 + level HD of animals.
Charm Animal: Makes one animal your friend.
Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level.
Detect Animals or Plants: Detects kinds of animals or plants.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Detect Snares and Pits: Reveals natural or primitive traps.
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.
Entangle: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft. radius.
Hide from Animals: Animals can’t perceive one subject/level.
Jump: Subject gets bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Longstrider: Your base speed increases by 10 ft.
Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls.
Pass without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Speak with Animals: You can communicate with animals.
Summon Nature’s Ally I: Summons creature to fight for you.

You don't need to list your spells known, since rangers know all spells on their list of the levels they're able to cast.

Edit: Checked over your gear. To note, shovels are 2 GP not CP, and the tent weighs 20 lbs. not 15 lbs. You should have 167 gold pieces and 7 silver pieces remaining, instead of the amount you listed (no copper pieces left unless you split a silver piece for 'em).

I can't find anything for hammocks, cooking kits, waterproof bags, or wrist sheaths, so please replace those items and add their value back to your GP/SP/CP totals, though the hammock and cooking kit can probably just be kept and handled as alternate forms of the tarp and iron pot items or something like that (using the prices and weights of those items). Daggers and swords already come with sheaths, so you don't really need to list the sheath or pay for it.

Also, you might want to consider replacing some CLW potions with another CMW, given the group's level and how little help CLW is during a CR 6 fight or thereabouts.

And you might want to add a special material to some of your weapons; silver, cold iron, adamantine, any of those could be helpful for overcoming Damage Reduction and such on certain monsters or for destroying obstacles. Silver or cold iron would be fairly cheap for a mundane weapon, like a cold iron longsword or silvered dagger.
Rosencrantz wrote:
A glance beneath the dark cowl of his cloak reveals a face hideously scared by fire. The left side of his face is scared tot eh point no hair will grow. His deep brown eyes peer out of the scar tissue. The right half of his head is covered with a thick red brown hair grown out to shoulder length and tied off in a pony tail. Synjin is dressed for the woods; his heavy Woolen cloak hides most of masterly crafted set of Mithral Chainmail. His left hand is incased in an archers glove his right is bare. About his right wrist is a Manacle.

Synjin is a 6’4” tall 262 lbs

Battle Axe +8/+3 melee for 1d8+2 damage (20/x3 critical, reach 5 ft.)
Dagger +8/+3 melee for 1d4+2 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Kukri +8/+3 melee for 1d4+2 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Long sword +8/+3 melee for 1d8+2 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 5 ft.)
Unarmed strike +0 melee for 1d3+0 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
+1 Longbow, Composite (STR +2) +11/6 ranged for 1d8+3 damage (20/x3 critical, increment 110 ft.)
Dagger +10/+5 ranged for 1d4+2 damage (19-20/x2 critical, increment 10 ft.)

I'll check over your attack list soon, but at a glance, you didn't fill in the unarmed strike parts.

Background is fine. Appearance description has a typo "face is scared tot eh point no hair will grow." should be "face is scarred to the point that no hair will grow."
You need to add your Animal Companion and its stats to your Notes section, as I still don't know what kind of animal companion you've got.

Thu May 12, 2011 12:21 am

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
DroidDr wrote:
My updated character, Orishi

Character Name: Orishi-San
Race: Human , Alignment: NG , Patron Deity: MOEGAMI
Class Levels: Fighter 6

Platinum Pieces: 0, Gold Pieces: 78 , Silver Pieces: 20 , Copper Pieces: 5

Orishi-san was born in a noble family, a family with a tradition of warfare and honor. He was raised and educated by his parents and servants. Honor, tradition were taught to him. He had a very regimented youth, started training young. His parents and other family leaders were very glad to see the young boy was showing unusual skill and strength early on. Sometimes the boy would disobey his parents and get punished strongly. His parents however noticed that when he disobeyed them or deviated from the path, it was usualy for a decent reason. They understood that the disobedience was 'balanced' and not abused, his parents understood that the boy had a knack for being flexible and thinking out of the box. They encouraged this secretly by letting these disobediences go 'unoticed' as long as there was a balance.

The emperor took notice of the boy on a visit to the family stronghold. He made sure the training was oriented to make a strong warrior and an effective battlefield leader.

As a young man Orishi-san served in all manners of posts. Guard, escort, foot soldier in the family stronghold and in the imperial earmy. He saw battle regularly.
On one particular battle he distinguished himself by leading a charge towards the position of an enemy high-ranking officer. The defences were beaten and Orishi-san defeated the officer single-handedly.
He received praise and was given a battlefield commission.

Misspelled army, but that's just nitpicking. Also, you need to give Orishi a family name, which should go in front of his given name (in the Japanese style, as Zanjinhon uses the same practice of putting family name before personal name). Background looks fine though.
DroidDr wrote:
Other equipment
Longsword (15 GP, 4 lbs., 1d8 19-20x2 crit, S)
Composite Longbow +2Str (300gp, 3lbs, 1d8 20x3, P)
40 arrows (2gp, 6 lbs)
Studded leather (25gp, 20 lbs AC+3, 0 armor check, horse)
Shield, heavy steel (20gp, 15 lbs AC+2, armor check-2, horse)

Whetstone ( 1 lbs)

Backpack (2gp, 2 lbs)
Bedroll (1sp, 5 lbs)
Winter blanket (5sp, 3 lbs)
Flint and steel (1gp
small box of tinder(cotton)
Fishhook and line
Waterskin (1gp)
Iron Pot (1gp, 4 lbs)
Rationsx8 (4gp, 8 lbs)
Tent (10gp, 20 lbs)
Cold weather outfit (8gp, 7 lbs)
Spare clothes,travel, underpants(1gp, 5 lbs)

Grappling hook (1gp 4 lbs)
Pouch (1gp, 1 lbs)
rope, hemp (1gp, 10 lbs)
Ink and inkpen (8gp)
Paperx10 (4gp)
Lantern, bullseye (12gp, 3 lbs)
Oilx2 ( 2 lbs)
Case, map (1gp, 0.5 lbs)
Mirror (10gp, 0.5 lbs)
Sackx2 ( 1 lbs)
Sewing needle and thread
Signet ring (family crest) (5gp)
Soap (1gp, 0.5 lbs)
****All in small case: Ceremonial tea set Quality tea to share, Incence and figurines for prayer

Horse, heavy (200gp)
Sadle, riding (10gp 25 lbs)
Bridle (2gp)
Saddlebags (4gp, 8 lbs)
Feedx2 ( 20 lbs)

Your "other gear" and mount-stuff should be listed above near your magical gear in keeping with my sheet format.

A crowbar costs 2 GP and weighs 5 pounds. A whetstone costs 2 CP. Soap costs 5 SP per pound. A waterskin weighs 4 pounds when filled, and only holds half a gallon (half a day's worth of water). 10 candles cost 10 CP. An inkpen costs 1 SP, besides the ink. Oil costs 1 SP per flask, so 2 SP for 2 of them. Chalk costs 1 CP. A sack costs 1 SP, so 2 SP for 2 of 'em. A sewing needle is 5 SP. A fishhook is 1 SP. Feed is 5 CP per day, so 10 CP for 2 days' worth.

You should have 75 GP and 15 SP and 7 CP remaining, assuming you meant to have 1 piece of soap which is 5 SP. If you decide to add another waterskin or something else, just subtract the cost from your remaining coinage. You may want to have one or two of your weapons made with a special material, like silver or cold iron (though either option would cost more than a normal steel weapon), but it's not necessary (just handy when you run into stuff with DR).

Edit: Also, the tea set still needs to be paid for and given a weight. It's probably equivalent to artisan's tools in total weight and cost, or masterwork artisan's tools if it's a really fancy tea set. The incense and figurines for prayer would probably just be treated as a silver holy symbol for purposes of cost and weight, for simplicity's sake.

Thu May 12, 2011 2:10 am

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
OK, I'll finish checking stuff later and post more info as I get it typed up. The map's still a very rough draft and not ready for putting online yet. Metaxo's updated sheet looks fine, and I'll re-check any others further back in the thread later today or tomorrow.

We'll start the campaign next week, since I fell behind last week and am too tired/sick so far this week to be very productive and catch up. And am stuck again with dogsitting right now. -_- I'll be around Blackstar for a while on Thursday and Friday, and try to get the game-day/time finalized.

Active DM and player on OpenRPG since 2002
D&D, d20, PF, SR, and other systems if I can find a group for 'em

Thu May 12, 2011 3:51 am

Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:03 am
Posts: 30
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
From what I've read so far, it seems you're already full up. However, I was referred to here by DroidDr today and I figured I'd ask if you do in fact have any slots open. If you don't, no problem, I just figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. I do have a character I've been working on for a while now that I can use in short notice, so it wouldn't take me long to retool it a little to work for this game. Let me know if you've got a spot and I'll post what I have.

Tue May 17, 2011 7:47 pm

Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:23 am
Posts: 38
Location: Ontario, Canada
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
Hi, forgot to post the updated character as discussed

Character Name: Tanaka Orishi
Race: Human , Alignment: NG , Patron Deity: MOEGAMI
Class Levels: Fighter 6
Character Level: 6 , XP: 15,000 , Next Level: 23,000 total
Age: 20 yrs., Height: 6 ft. 1 in., Weight: 220 lbs., Male/Female: M
Eyes: Black, Hair: Black, ponytail , Skin: Olive
Languages: Common, Zanji

Strength 20 (+5), Dexterity 17 (+3), Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 10 (+0), Charisma 10 (+0)

HP 58 Maximum: 58/58 (+6 toughness +5 favored class), Nonlethal: 0 , DR: 0/X , SR: 0
AC: 25 (+2 Dex, +0 dodge, +0 size, +10 armor, +1 shield (two weap. def), +1 natural, +1 deflection)
Touch AC: 13 , Flat-Footed AC: 22
Fortitude +7 , Reflex +5 , Will +2 , Initiative +5, Hero Points: 1

Base Attack Bonus: +6
Melee: +11 (+6 BAB, +5 Str, +0 size)
Ranged: +9 (+6 BAB, +3 Dex, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +11 (+6 BAB, +5 Str, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 24 (+6 BAB, +5 Str, +3 Dex, +0 size)

Favored Class: Fighter (+5 HP, +1 skill ranks)
Size: Medium , Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft., Speed: 20ft(fullplate), 30 ft natural.
Type (Subtype): Humanoid
Racial Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Str
Other Racial Qualities: +1 feat, + 1skillpt/level
Advanced Traits: Reactionnary + 2 init, Birthmark: + 2 saves vs charm&compulsion

two weapon fighting
weapon focus shortsword
weapon specialization shortsword
Double slice
Improved 2 weapon fighting
power attack
two weapon defence

Climb +5 (1 ranks, +5 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -4 armor)
Ride +5 (3 ranks, +3 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -4 armor)
Swim +7 (3 ranks, +5 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -4 armor)
Survival +9 (6 ranks, +0 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Handle Animal +5 (2 ranks, +0 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Profession war engineer +7 (4 ranks, +0 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)

Platinum Pieces: 0, Gold Pieces: 34 , Silver Pieces: 9 , Copper Pieces: 8
Load: 70 lbs., Light: 133 lbs., Medium: 266 lbs., Heavy: 400- lbs.
Load (horse ( 100 lbs approx)
Maximum Load: 0 lbs., Push/Pull: 0 lbs.

Magical Gear:
Belt of Giant Str (4000 GP, 1 lbs., +2 enchancement to Str)
Full Plate+1 (2650 GP, 50 lbs., AC + 10, max dex 2 with armor training, check penalty -4)
Amulet of natural armor (2000 GP, 0 lbs., +1 AC)
Ring of prot+1 (2000 GP, 0 lbs., +1 deflection)
Shortsword+1 (2310 GP, 2 lbs., 1d6 19-20x2 crit, piercing, Wakizashi)
Shortsword+1 (2310 GP, 2 lbs., 1d6 19-20x2 crit, piercing, Wakizashi)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Simple, martial, all armor, shields
Other Class Features: + 2 save vs fear, armor training1, weapon training (light blades)

Shortsword+1 +14 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Shortsword+1 (2nd att) +9 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)

Shortsword+1 (two weap) +12 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Shortsword+1 (off hand) +12 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Shortsword+1 (2nd att) +7 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Shortsword+1 (2nd offh) +7 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Attack bonus (+6bab + 5str +1 wfocus + 1magic +1 weapon training)
Damage bonus (+5Str + 1magic + 2weapon spec + 1weapon training)

Comp.Longbow +2Str +9 1d8+2 DMG x3 crit, range 110ft

Longsword +11 1d8+5 19-20x2 crit
Cold iron Shortsword +13 1d6+8 19x2
Alchemical silver Shortsword +13 (1d6-1)+8 19x2

Unarmed strike +11 melee for 1d3+5 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)

Orishi-San is of ASian appearance. He is Tall, Very athletic and very well built. His face is serious, relatively comely and radiates nobility and honor. He has one wicked scar going from his ear to the bottom of his cheek. His hair is

impecably combed and ends in a compact ponytail in the back of his neck.
He wears a beautiful samurai armor, engraved with the symbol of the emperor and the realm.
He wears on his hips two exquisite but functional Wkisashi swords. He also has a longsword on his back, as a backup weapon. He carrier a signet ring of his family crest.

Keywords describing Orishi: courageous, loyal, noble, humble, kind, pious, trustworthy, ruthless against enemies, helpful, common-sense, flexible, adaptable, out-of box thinking despite his upbringing,
Ruthless against: enemies, cowards, liars, cheats, deception. Will not honor a bargain if he was manipulated.

Orishi-san was born in a noble family, a family with a tradition of warfare and honor. He was raised and educated by his parents and servants. Honor, tradition were taught to him. He had a very regimented youth, started training young.
His parents and other family leaders were very glad to see the young boy was showing unusual skill and strength early on. Sometimes the boy would disobey his parents and get punished strongly. His parents however noticed that when he disobeyed them or deviated from the path, it was usualy for a decent reason. They understood that the disobedience was 'balanced' and not abused, his parents understood that the boy had a knack for being flexible and thinking out of the box. They encouraged this secretly by letting these disobediences go 'unoticed' as long as there was a balance.

The emperor took notice of the boy on a visit to the family stronghold. He made sure the training was oriented to make a strong warrior and an effective battlefield leader.

As a young man Orishi-san served in all manners of posts. Guard, escort, foot soldier in the family stronghold and in the imperial army. He saw battle regularly.
On one particular battle he distinguished himself by leading a charge towards the position of an enemy high-ranking officer. The defences were beaten and Orishi-san defeated the officer single-handedly.
He received praise and was given a battlefield commission.

One thing that was wrong with Orishi-san is that he saw all the wars and bloodshed and was wondering how this could continue this long and erode and destroy empires. He lost 2 brothers and 3 uncles in battle in the last year. These thoughts were weighing heavily on him. Adding to this is the new menace that seems to threaten all realms. One gloomy day in a military briefing with some high-ranking officers, Orishi-san stood up and started to berate angrily some of the officers:

'We are destroying each other in these senseless wars, who here at this table has not lost many family members? There is an unknown menace striking at all realms and we are still warring? How can we be so stupid? We must do something to stop this new manace, yet I have seen nothing being done, YOu are the leaders, act like some!'

THe ranking officer calmly waits for the outburst to finish, he walks over to Orishi-san and back-hands him strongly for his outburst. 'Since you are such a distinguished officer in this army, I will not punish or demote you, you have earned all our respect and hence your words are not lost on us. This issue is being considered. We are looking for some skilled people to help in such matters. I will name you to the emperor among some other select few for some
specialized tasks. You seem to feel strongly on this, I need motivated warriors... Oh and another thing Orishi-san, should you have another outburst like this one, you will be punished and demoted. I promise you, you will regret a repeat of this outburst. I expect my officers to be calm and level headed. DISMISSED'

After being sworn to secrecy, Orishi-san gladly embarks on his new mission.

Other equipment
Cold Iron Shortsword (20 GP, 4 lbs., 1d6 19-20x2 crit, S)
Cold Iron Shortsword (30 GP, 4 lbs., 1d6-1 19-20x2 crit, S)
Composite Longbow +2Str (300gp, 3lbs, 1d8 20x3, P)
40 arrows (2gp, 6 lbs)
Studded leather (25gp, 20 lbs AC+3, 0 armor check, horse)
Shield, heavy steel (20gp, 15 lbs AC+2, armor check-2, horse)

Crowbar (2gp, 5 lbs)
Whetstone (2cp 1 lbs)

Backpack (2gp, 2 lbs)
Bedroll (1sp, 5 lbs)
Winter blanket (5sp, 3 lbs)
Flint and steel (1gp
small box of tinder(cotton)
Fishhook and line
Waterskin (1gp, 4 lbs)
Iron Pot (1gp, 4 lbs)
Rationsx8 (4gp, 8 lbs)
Tent (10gp, 20 lbs)
Cold weather outfit (8gp, 7 lbs)
Spare clothes,travel, underpants(1gp, 5 lbs)

Grappling hook (1gp 4 lbs)
Candlesx10 (1sp )
Pouch (1gp, 1 lbs)
rope, hemp (1gp, 10 lbs)
Ink and inkpen (8gp, 1sp)
Paperx10 (4gp)
Lantern, bullseye (12gp, 3 lbs)
Oilx2 (2sp 2 lbs)
Case, map (1gp, 0.5 lbs)
Chalkx3 (3cp)
Mirror (10gp, 0.5 lbs)
Sackx2 (2sp 1 lbs)
Sewing needle and thread (5 sp)
Signet ring (family crest) (5gp)
Soap (5sp, 1.0 lbs)
Towels for cleaning (? 1.0 lbs)
****All in small case: Ceremonial tea set, Quality tea to share (5gp, 5 lbs), Incence and figurines for prayer (1gp, 1 lbs)


Horse, heavy (200gp)
Sadle, riding (10gp 25 lbs)
Bridle (2gp)
Saddlebags (4gp, 8 lbs)
Feedx2 ( 20 lbs)

Thu May 19, 2011 12:15 am
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