Fexible Player LF D&D 4E Game
Ive tired playin dnd over the last few months and got into 3 separate campaigns. They all unfortunately crashed and burned only after a few weeks. So im looking for another game. i havent played in at least 2 1/2 weeks because i wanted a break so new games could start and i wouldnt get into another group that was ganna drop.
So I know the basics of D&D and bein in 3 games i have decent experience i normally keep a rule book next to me while i play so if anyone has any questions it wont be to difficult to find an answer.
Im in EST and im willing to play any day after 7PM but i do prefer the weekend like any other D&D player
I have 10 characters covering as many different areas as possible so i can play w/e a group needs.
If u wish to contact me respond here or just email me at