
Player Looking for a mid level campaign for 3.5 edition D&D
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Author:  ragnarblackmane [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Player Looking for a mid level campaign for 3.5 edition D&D

Any kind of homebrewed or FR campaign, preferrably mid-level, I'd like to join as a player. I'm a little rusty as I haven't played in a year or two but i can adapt quickly, I'm no noob. I've wanted to play for a long time but none of my friends are roleplayers, most of them too busy drinking and partying, of which I don't much care for. In a game i can take criticism for any mistakes I make and I just really want to play some D&D, lol. I'm a very devoted player, I love creating characters, fleshing out their backstory's and such. So please, if anyone allows me to join a game or something i'd be very appreciative. Here's hoping. :ugeek:

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