
Pathfinder Game on Saturday Nights
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Author:  Athos [ Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Pathfinder Game on Saturday Nights

Hey there

My buddy Seannachie is going to run a game on Saturday nights, 7 pm Central time, either on OpenRPG or maybe on Roll20. Right now we are on OpenRPG, but there is about a 30% chance we will change over.

Game is set in the world of Greyhawk. Starting level is 1st. Pathfinder rules. Most Paizo stuff is allowed.

I am playing a human sorcerer. There is a elan psion, but not sure if she will play going forward. We lost our rogue to RL issues, but might be getting a new one.

Looking for 4 or 5 more reliable players. If you PM me, I will give you Seannachie's email and you can send him your character concept. Rules for character creation are at :
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zc_ ... edit?pli=1

Reliability is a major factor, if you can't make Saturday nights, please don't apply. If you can, look forward to gaming with you.

Dan / Athos

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