This article marks the first in a series that will look at the various cryptic locations and struggling communities situated among the ruins of Los Angeles, better known simply as the “Necropolis” by the inhabitants of the Twisted Earth. A broader overlook of the Necropolis is given in the Darwin’s World 2nd Edition rulebook. These articles will attempt to focus on a specific adventure location, monster lair, or a community clinging to survival among the ruins.
Note: The details of this article are based on the outcome of a play by e-mail game run in 2000 set in the Twisted Earth setting of Darwin’s World.
Originally titled “Necropolis”, this game pitted a group of players against one another in a grueling competition to take several impoverished groups of survivors and build viable communities among the burnt-out and radiated ruins of Los Angeles.However, the locations portrayed here aren’t necessarily limited to Los Angeles; with only a little modification you can port the locations and monsters to virtually any post-apocalyptic environment.
Pages: 11
Maps: 2 color