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 Ark's Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed.) 
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Joined: Sun May 01, 2011 7:48 pm
Posts: 44
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed./Thurs./Fri.
Hello this is Eurrsk

here is my Character

Male Half-Orc Ranger 6
NN Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Patron Deity: MHAVARA
Init +4; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +10
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19
(+7 armor, +1 shield, +4 Dex, +1 natural)
HP 47 (6d10+12)
Fort +8,
Ref +9,
Will +3
Spd 30 ft.
Battleaxe +8/+3 (1d8+2/20/x3)
Dagger +8/+3 (1d4+2/19-20/x2)
Dagger +8/+3 (1d4+2/19-20/x2)
Gauntlet (from Armor) +8/+3 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Kukri +8/+3 (1d4+2/18-20/x2)
Longsword +8/+3 (1d8+2/19-20/x2)
Unarmed Strike +8/+3 (1d3+2/20/x2)
+1 Longbow, Composite (Str +2) +11/+6 (1d8+3/20/x3)
Spell-Like Abilities Light (At will)
Ranger Spells Known (CL 3,
8 melee touch,
10 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Calm Animals (DC 12),
Charm Animal (DC 12)
Str 15 +2
Dex 18 +4
Con 15 +2
Int 13 +1
Wis 12 +1
Cha 9 -1
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 22

Animal Affinity,
Deadly Aim -2/+4,
Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot,

Devotee of the Green: Knowledge: Nature,

Acrobatics +2,
Climb +1,
Craft: Bows +6,
Craft: Weapons +6,
Diplomacy +5,
Escape Artist +1,
Fly +1,
Handle Animal +10,
Heal +9,
Intimidate +6,
Knowledge: Geography +9,
Knowledge: Nature +9,
Perception +10,
Profession: Cook +7,
Ride +8,
Stealth +6,
Survival +8,
Swim +5

Languages: Vanderglotten, Common, Draconic, Orc

Animal Companion Link (Ex),
Enemies: Humanoids (Goblinoid) (+4 bonus) (Ex),
Enemies: Magical Beasts (+2 bonus) (Ex),
Orc Ferocity (1/day),
Share Spells with Companion (Ex),
Terrains: Forest (+2 bonus) (Ex),Track +3,
Wild Empathy +5 (Ex)

Combat Gear
+1 Mithral Chainmail,
+1 Longbow, Composite (Str +2),
Arrows (80),

Other Gear
Ale (Gallon),
Amulet of Natural Armor +1,
Artisan's tools, masterwork: Craft: Bows,
Artisan's tools: Craft: Weapons,
Bread, per loaf (2),
Cold weather outfit,
Cooking Gear,
Copper Torq,
Efficient Quiver (80 @ 12 lbs),
Everburning torch,
Fishhook (10),
Flint and steel,
Handy Haversack (48 @ 79.3 lbs),
Lamp, common,
Oil (1-pint flask) (5),
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (6),
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2),
Pouch, belt (10 @ 0 lbs),
Rations, trail (per day) (20),
Rope, silk (50 ft.) (2),
Waterskin (2),
Wayfinder, Standard (empty),
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Cold weather outfit +5 Fort save vs. cold weather.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Enemies: Humanoids (Goblinoid) (+4 bonus) (Ex) +4 to rolls vs Humanoids (Goblinoid).
Enemies: Magical Beasts (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Magical Beasts.
Orc Ferocity (1/day) 1/day, when brought below 0 HP but not killed, you can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. The next round, unless brought to at least 0 HP, you immediately fall unconscious and begin dying.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into combat.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Spells cast on you can also affect your Companion, if it's within 5 feet.
Terrains: Forest (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Forest.
Track +3 +3 to survival checks to track.
Wild Empathy +5 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Standard (empty) A small magical device patterned off ancient relics of the Azlanti, a wayfinder is typically made from silver and bears gold accents. With a command word, you can use a wayfinder to shine (as the light spell). The wayfinder also acts as a nonmagical (magnetic) compass,
granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. All wayfinders include a small indentation designed to hold a single ioun stone. An ioun stone slotted in this manner grants you its normal benefits (as if it were orbiting your head),but frequently reveals entirely new powers due to the magic of the wayfinder itself (see Seeker of Secrets page 51).
Note: This item costs only 250gp for members of the Pathfinder Society

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, light; Cost 250 gp

Born in the dark of winter, his mother the daughter of a merchant was raped in an orcish raid on their small village. His earliest memories are of Pain and abuse. His grandfather sold him off as soon as he was weaned from the tit to a slaver in a larger town. Synjin was purchased and as soon as he was able was put to work in the kitchens of a Laird. He worked hard or was beaten, sometimes was beaten anyway. He lived this life until one day in an accident he was badly burned across his face and arms. He spent 2 weeks on the verge of death, it was here at the age of 12 he met the first person he would ever consider friend, a hunter in the Lairds employ. The Hunter named Zed had recently watched his own son die and in a fit of remorse took the wounded half orc under his wing. Synjin was soon learning the ways of the woods and training as a ranger. His natural dexterity made him a good ranger and hunter. Synjin has worked hard to overcome his upbringing, but he still carries everything he owns with him. Synjin has left the employe of the Laird and now lives in the woods on the south of Vanderheim

Animal Companion

Male Hawk
NN Small Animal
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +8
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +3 natural, +1 dodge)
hp 19 (+3)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
Spd 10 ft., Flight (80 feet, Average)
Melee Bite (Hawk) +3 (1d4/20/x2) and
Talon x2 (Hawk) +3 x2 (1d4/20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +3 (1d2/20/x2)
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack
Tricks Attack [Trick], Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Fetch [Trick], Guard [Trick], Seek [Trick], Stay [Trick]
Skills Fly +5, Perception +8, Stealth +7
SQ Attack [Trick], Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Evasion (Ex), Fetch [Trick], Guard [Trick], Seek [Trick], Stay [Trick]

Attack [Trick] The animal will attack on command.
Come [Trick] The animal will come to you on command.
Defend [Trick] The animal will defend you.
Down [Trick] The animal will break off combat on command.
Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save.
Fetch [Trick] The animal will get a specific object.
Flight (80 feet, Average) You can fly!
Flyby Attack You can take a standard action during your move action while flying.
Guard [Trick] The animal stays in place and prevents others from approaching.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Seek [Trick] The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate.
Stay [Trick] The animal will stay where it is.

Last edited by Rosencrantz on Thu May 05, 2011 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun May 01, 2011 11:18 pm

Joined: Sun May 01, 2011 9:08 am
Posts: 38
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed./Thurs./Fri.
I need a clarification on the rules. If a psionic power has a level requirement that just says "psion #", does that mean that any psion can use it, even if the power is of a different discipline than the psion?

For example, take the "Distract" power.

The power's listed discipline is Telepathy, but the level requirement is Psion/Wilder 1. Does this mean that only a Telepath can learn that power?

Mon May 02, 2011 2:27 am

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed./Thurs./Fri.
FlimFlam wrote:
I need a clarification on the rules. If a psionic power has a level requirement that just says "psion #", does that mean that any psion can use it, even if the power is of a different discipline than the psion?

For example, take the "Distract" power.

The power's listed discipline is Telepathy, but the level requirement is Psion/Wilder 1. Does this mean that only a Telepath can learn that power?

Correct, if a power's description says something like "Psion 3" on its Level line, then it means it's a 3rd-level power that any Psion can learn.

All powers belong to a Discipline, just like all spells belong to a School. Distract is a Telepathy power in the same way that Daze is an Enchantment spell, that's all. If the power is restricted to psions who've specialized in a particular discipline, then it'll indicate such on its Level line or be listed separately in that Psion Discipline list instead of being listed on the general Psion Power List.

Mon May 02, 2011 6:54 am

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed./Thurs./Fri.
FlimFlam wrote:
I've been working on an Ophiduan 3/3 Ranger/Psion(Nomad). I'm just about done. I just need to work out the equipment and feats. I just want to make sure a few of the details are ok to use before I continue. Namely:

Race: Ophiduan
Traits: Armor Expert and Resilient
Languages: Common; Ophiduan; Rhivian; Dejarim

All good so far?

The race, trait, and language choices are fine, but you can't select 2 Combat Traits (normally, each trait has to come from a different list, and I'm not waiving that restriction). So switch out one of those for a different trait from one of the other lists.

While Ophiduans would mostly be encountered on Azagan, they could also be lurking in some corners of Rhivia, and somewhere in the southern half of the continent (around the Dejarim or Crimson Tors) seems fitting enough, since that end's more like northern Africa or the Middle East, deserts and mountains and sweltering jungles. Maybe at some point the group will figure out why Azagan is such a hotbed of psionic activity while Rhivia is more magically-abundant.......

More info on Rhivia will be posted over the next few days.

Active DM and player on OpenRPG since 2002
D&D, d20, PF, SR, and other systems if I can find a group for 'em

Mon May 02, 2011 7:06 am

Joined: Sun May 01, 2011 9:08 am
Posts: 38
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed./Thurs./Fri.
Here's my character, draft 2:

Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers Character Sheet:

Character Name: Metaxo
Race: Ophiduan, Alignment: Lawful Neutral , Patron Deity: Haliyane
Class Levels: Ranger 3 / Psion (Nomad) 3
Character Level: 6 , XP: 15,000 , Next Level: 23,000 total
Age: 23 yrs., Height: 6 ft. 2 in., Weight: 126 lbs., Male/Female: M
Eyes: Yellow , Hair: None , Skin: Very dark green
Languages: Common; Ophiduan; Rhivian; Dejarim

Strength 14[16] (+2[+3]), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 15 (+2), Wisdom 17 (+3), Charisma 9 (-1)

HP / Maximum: 42 / 42 , Nonlethal: 0 , DR: 0/X , SR: 0
AC: 21 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +0 size, +6 armor, +1 shield, +1 natural, [+1 Psionic Dodge while maintaining Psionic Focus] )
Touch AC: 13[14 Psionic Dodge] , Flat-Footed AC: 18
Fortitude +3+2+1, Reflex +3+2+1 , Will +3+3+1 , Initiative +2, Hero Points: 1

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Melee: +6[7] (+4 BAB, +2[3] Str, +0 size)
Ranged: +6 (+4 BAB, +2 Dex, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +6[7] (+4 BAB, +2[3] Str, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 18[19] (+4 BAB, +2[3] Str, +2 Dex, +0 size)

Favored Class: Ranger (+1 HP, +1 skill ranks, +1 Power Point)
Size: Medium , Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft., Speed: 30 ft.
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Reptilian)
Racial Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Dexterity , +2 Wisdom , -2 Charisma
Other Racial Qualities:
# Scaled Hide: An ophiduan’s skin is hardened scales and grants the character a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.
# Naturally Psionic: Ophiduans gain the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. If an ophiduan takes levels in a psionic class, he instead gains the Psionic Talent feat.
# Serpent’s Bite (Ps): Once per day, an ophiduan can alter his jaws, gaining a bite attack that deals 1d8 points of damage, plus an extra 1d8 points of damage per fve character levels beyond 1st. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The manifester level is equal to the ophiduan’s level.
# Darkvision: Ophiduans can see in the dark up to 60 feet. See Vision and Light.
# Poison Resistant: Ophiduans gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
# Psionic Aptitude: When an ophiduan takes a level in a favored class, he can choose to gain an additional power point instead of a hit point or skill point.
# Weapon Familiarity: Ophiduans treat any weapon with the word “ophiduan” in the name as a martial weapon rather than an exotic one.
# Languages: Ophiduans begin play speaking Common and Ophiduan. Ophiduans with high Intelligence scores can choose can choose from the following: Aquan, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, and Goblin.

Advanced Traits: Desert Nomad (+4 trait bonus on any saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions, and a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against fire effects); Resilient (+1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves)

Wild Talent
Point Blank Shot
Psionic Shot
Psionic Dodge
Quick Draw

Skills: (37 points)
Autohypnosis: +9 (3 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Climb: +8 (2 ranks, +3 STR, +3 class)
Craft(Weaponsmithing): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Craft(Armorsmithing): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Craft(Bowmaking): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Handle Animal*: +3 (1 ranks, -1 Cha, +3 class)
Heal: +8 (2 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Intimidate: +3 (1 ranks, -1 Cha, +3 class)
Know(Arcana): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Dungeoneering): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Engineering)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Geography): +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(History)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Local)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Nature): +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Nobility)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Planes)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Psionics): +7 (2 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Religion)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Perception: +9 (3 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Profession(Merchant)*: +7 (1 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Psicraft: +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Ride*: +2 (0 ranks, +2 Dex)
Spellcraft: +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Stealth: +8 (3 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class)
Survival: +9 (3 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Swim: +7 (1 ranks, +3 STR, +3 class)

Platinum Pieces: 0, Gold Pieces: 67 , Silver Pieces: 0 , Copper Pieces: 5
Load: 38 lbs., Light: 58[76] lbs., Medium: 116[153] lbs., Heavy: 175[230] lbs.
Maximum Load: 175[230] lbs., Push/Pull: 875[1150] lbs.

Mithril Agile Breastplate (4,400 GP, 12.5 lbs., AC +6, Max. Dex. Bonus: 5, AC Check Penalty: 1)
Mithril Light Steel Quickdraw Shield ( 59 GP, 3.5 lbs., AC +1 )

Masterwork Longsword ( 315 GP, 4 lbs., Dmg: 1d8, Crit: 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Cold Iron Morningstar ( 612 GP, 8 lbs, Dmg: 1d8, Crit: x2)
Masterwork Composite Longbow (Rating 3)( 700 GP, 3 lbs, Dmg: 1d8, Crit: x3)

60 Arrows ( 3 GP, 9 lbs, stored in Efficient Quiver )

Potion: Cure Light Wounds x2 (100 GP, 0 lbs.)
Potion: Cure Moderate Wounds x2 (600 GP, 0 lbs.)
Belt of Giant Strength [+2] ( 4,000 GP, 1 lbs.)
Efficient Quiver (1,800 GP, 2 lbs., Can hold 60 Arrows and Bow(s)., Weight stays at 2 lbs. )
Handy Haversack ( 2,000 GP, 5 lbs. )
Mstrwrk Artisan's Tools: Weaponsmithing (55 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Mstrwrk Artisan's Tools: Armorsmithing (55 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Mstrwrk Artisan's Tools: Bowmaking (55 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Bedroll (1 SP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Blanket (2 SP, 1 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Winter Blanket (5 SP, 3 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Caltrops x3 (3 GP, 6 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Candle x5 (5 CP, 0 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Map Case x2 (2 GP, 1 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Clothing: Explorer's Outfit (0 GP, 8 lbs., Worn)
Clothing: Cold Weather Outfit (8 GP, 7 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Furs (12 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Hot Weather Outift: (8 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Footwear- Cleats (5 GP, 2 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Footwear- Snowshoes (5 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Flint and Steel (1 GP, 0 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment)
Fishing net (4 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Food: Rations x20 (10 GP, 20 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Grappling Hook (1 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Hammock (1 SP, 3 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Kit: Climber's (80 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Kit: Cooking (1 GP, 2 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Kit: Map Making (10 GP, 2 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Parchment x30 (6 GP, 0 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Rope[silk] 50 ft. x2 (20 GP, 10 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Waterskin [full] x2 (2 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A ranger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Other Class Features:
Favored Enemy: Animal (+2)
Track (+1)
Wild Empathy (+2)
Favored Terrain: Forest (+2)
Detect Psionics
Burst (10ft.)
Detect Teleportation (Discipline Talent)
Nomad's Step (Discipline Ability) (20 ft.)

Spellcasting Class: X , Caster Level: X , Concentration: +0
Spell Save DC: 10 + level (list ability here)
Spell Slots: X 0-level, X 1st-level, X 2nd-level, X 3rd-level, X 4th-level,
X 5th-level, X 6th-level, X 7th-level, X 8th-level, X 9th-level
Prepared Spells: X
Spells Known: X

Manifesting Class: Psion(Nomad) , Manifester Level: 3 , Concentration: +5
Power Points / Maximum: 16 / 16 , Power Save DC: 12 + level (list ability here)
Powers Known:
Defy Gravity
Force Screen
Inertial Armor
Mind Thrust

Metaxo is an Ophiduan, muscular and lean. Tall by human standards but average for Ophiduans. His scaly skin is a very dark shade of green and his slitted eyes are a vibrant yellow as typical for his race.

Metaxo grew up on the south side of the Rhivian continent. Driven by the Ophiduan need to constantly better himself and prove his worth, Metaxo looked to the wide world around him for the endless challenges it represents. He's crossed the continent from Zanjinhon to Loricaea, from the frozen north lands to the torrid south. He hones his skills in the wilderness and learns from the different civilizations of Rhivia, all in the pursuit of personal excellence. There is no corner of Rhivia he has not at least passed through, even though on occasion he has had to avoid contact with anyone due to the propensity for conflict among the peoples. To earn some extra income (as well as gain access to belligerent cities), he dabbles in cartography and carrying trade goods. He has mapped out much of Rhivia and has gained some acclaim as a wilderness guide for travelers and merchants which has lead to his being sought out for the expedition into Azagan.

Metaxo is generally self focused, cool headed, and calculating.

Masterwork Longsword +7[8] melee for 1d8+2[3] damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Masterwork Cold Iron Morningstar +7[8] melee for 1d8+2[3] damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Unarmed strike +2[3] melee for 1d3+2[3] damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Masterwork Composite Longbow +7[8 Point Blank] ranged for 1d8+[3]{+1 Point Blank}{+1 Psionic Shot} damage (20/x3 critical, increment 110 ft.)

Last edited by FlimFlam on Wed May 11, 2011 7:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Tue May 03, 2011 8:14 am

Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:23 am
Posts: 38
Location: Ontario, Canada
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed./Thurs./Fri.
Hi there, here is my character.

Please note that a lot of equipment is not done and I have not typed/finished the character background. I will complete these shortly.

Character Name: Vagnor
Race: Human , Alignment: NG , Patron Deity: XXXXX
Class Levels: Fighter 6
Character Level: 6 , XP: 15,000 , Next Level: 23,000 total
Age: 20 yrs., Height: 6 ft. 0 in., Weight: 220 lbs., Male/Female: M
Eyes: Blue , Hair: Black, ponytail , Skin: Caucasian
Languages: Common

Strength 20 (+5), Dexterity 17 (+3), Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 10 (+0), Charisma 10 (+0)

HP 58 Maximum: 58/58 (+6 toughness +5 favored class), Nonlethal: 0 , DR: 0/X , SR: 0
AC: 24 (+2 Dex, +0 dodge, +0 size, +9 armor, +1 shield (two weap. def), +1 natural, +1 deflection)
Touch AC: 12 , Flat-Footed AC: 22
Fortitude +7 , Reflex +5 , Will +2 , Initiative +5, Hero Points: 1

Base Attack Bonus: +6
Melee: +11 (+6 BAB, +5 Str, +0 size)
Ranged: +9 (+6 BAB, +3 Dex, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +0 (+6 BAB, +5 Str, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 24 (+6 BAB, +5 Str, +3 Dex, +0 size)

Favored Class: Fighter (+0 HP, +0 skill ranks)
Size: Medium , Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft., Speed: 30 ft.
Type (Subtype): Humanoid
Racial Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Str
Other Racial Qualities: +1 feat, + 1skillpt/level
Advanced Traits: Reactionnary + 2 init, Birthmark: + 2 saves vs charm&compulsion

two weapon fighting
weapon focus shortsword
weapon specialization shortsword
Double slice
Improved 2 weapon fighting
power attack
two weapon defence

Ride +1 (3 ranks, +3 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -5 armor)
Swim +3 (3 ranks, +5 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -5 armor)
Survival +9 (6 ranks, +0 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Handle Animal +5 (2 ranks, +0 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Profession war engineer +7 (4 ranks, +0 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)

Platinum Pieces: 0, Gold Pieces: 16,000 , Silver Pieces: 0 , Copper Pieces: 0
Load: 0 lbs., Light: 0 lbs., Medium: 0 lbs., Heavy: 0 lbs.
Maximum Load: 0 lbs., Push/Pull: 0 lbs.

Belt of Giant Str (4000 GP, 1 lbs., +2 enchancement to Str)
Full Plate (1500 GP, 50 lbs., AC + 9, max dex 2 with armor training, check penalty -6)
Amulet of natural armor (2000 GP, 0 lbs., +1 AC)
Ring of prot+1 (2000 GP, 0 lbs., +1 deflection)
Shortsword+1 (2310 GP, 2 lbs., 1d6 19-20x2 crit, piercing)
Shortsword+1 (2310 GP, 2 lbs., 1d6 19-20x2 crit, piercing)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Simple, martial, all armor, shields
Other Class Features: + 2 save vs fear, armor training1, weapon training (light blades)

Tall, Very athletic and built. Some scars and face, black ponytail

Some noble blood, Lieutenant in a military unit in recent wars. Loyal to country


Shortsword+1 +14 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Shortsword+1 (2nd att) +9 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)

Shortsword+1 (two weap) +12 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Shortsword+1 (off hand) +12 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Shortsword+1 (2nd att) +7 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Shortsword+1 (2nd offh) +7 for 1d6+9 damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)

Unarmed strike +11 melee for 1d3+5 damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)

Attack bonus (+6bab + 5str +1 wfocus + 1magic +1 weapon training)
Damage bonus (+5Str + 1magic + 2weapon spec + 1weapon training)


Wed May 04, 2011 5:08 am

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
Ugh, way busier than I expected on Monday and Tuesday, so I didn't get much done on the campaign material those days. So only small updates on the first page. I'll have more done on Wednesday, and hopefully have less miscellaneous junk to deal with around the house.

I'll also look over the new character submissions during my next update.

Looks like we'll be playing on Wednesdays or Fridays, depending on folks' responses (and who shows up) this Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday for the char-gen finalization and such.

Too tired. Need sleep.

Wed May 04, 2011 8:48 am

Joined: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:55 am
Posts: 8
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
S'all good, man. Don't burn yourself out.

As more characters start popping up, the party continues to look more and more interesting. But now I'm tempted to go with a little more of a healery build. Guess we'll talk that over when I see you on the server.

Wed May 04, 2011 1:16 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:32 pm
Posts: 48
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)
The part I find interesting is that so far the shortest party member would make the best 'face' for the group :P

Wed May 04, 2011 2:32 pm

Joined: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:55 am
Posts: 8
Post Re: RECRUITING Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers (Wed. or Fri.)

Fun mental imagery of our macho crew posting up in a line with arms crossed in front of some king or governor. He asks, "Who amongst you speaks for your party." Then out from behind our legs pops a human girl with a squeaky voice. Rest of party nods in a stern affirmative as the king's face turns to a look of shock and confused horror.

Wed May 04, 2011 2:46 pm
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