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RPGObjects News
Posted by david jarvis on 2008-08-26
This may sound like a PR stunt, but it's not. I've been having some SERIOUSLY weird dreams ever since I started proofing the Shadows of Cthulhu book. Strange stuff dealing with swimming in stormy water, being chased by hounds through old towns, being lost... The dreams are violent, too, especially the ones in water. The other dreams I'm having deal mainly with running from things, trying to escape whatever it is that's hunting me. Maybe I shouldn't unleash this book on you guys..

Strange stuff dealing with swimming in stormy water, being chased by hounds through old towns, being lost... The dreams are violent, too, especially the ones in water. The other dreams I'm having deal mainly with running from things, trying to escape whatever it is that's hunting me. Maybe I shouldn't unleash this book on you guys..

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Posted by Walt Robillard on 2008-08-27 07:12:21
You might want to try watching something that doesn't deal with all of that... Try watching anything on the Bravo channel... not only will it help you forget about Cthulu... but it will also melt your brain and drop your IQ about 40 points.

Posted by david jarvis on 2008-08-27 11:13:41
Not a bad idea, thanks.

I'm still having the nightmares too...